Family owner–nonfamily CEO relational practices shaping CEO succession: Handling equivocality and relational balancing (open access)
Frank Lambrechts, Rüveyda Kelleci, Wim Voordeckers & Jolien Huybrechts
In: Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(3), 244-264.
This study focuses on family owner–nonfamily CEO relational practices and what these relational practices constrain and potentiate in family firm CEO succession. Our main contribution is developing a constructionist relational practice perspective and approach as an alternative to the entitative view that dominates the family business literature. We illustrate the relational practice perspective through our dialogically structured inquiries with family owners and nonfamily CEOs. We co-develop practical wisdom on how family owner–nonfamily CEO relational practices can construct stuckness in organizing or, conversely, open up new possibilities to go on depending on (i) the way the family owner and nonfamily CEO "handle" equivocality and tension they continuously (re)produce through their relational practices and (ii) the way they enact "relational balancing" to equilibrate their relation in the making in terms of value/self-worth maintenance by involving other actors, such as board members, management team members, or a coach.Wanneer u zich inschrijft op de blog, sturen we u een e-mail wanneer er nieuwe updates op de site zijn, zodat u ze niet zou missen.