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Working Together

People come to me with stories and questions, often about:

  • Getting Unstuck: Wanting to get back in motion when feeling stuck.
  • Realizing Potential: Feeling that much more is possible but the potential is not being realized.
  • Building Commitment: Wanting to work on commitment and ownership to become stronger as a whole.
  • Developing Leadership: The desire to further develop the organization and adapt leadership accordingly.
  • Building Organizational Culture: Striving for an organizational culture (“smell of the place”) full of vitality and mutual helping, where appreciating each other is the norm.
  • Improving Family Dynamics: The desire of an entrepreneurial family to improve their relational familial processes.
  • Promoting Collaboration: The aspiration of higher quality collaboration and decision-making.
  • Developing Flourishing in Connection: The wish to create a flourishing whole by appreciating, amplifying, and connecting everyone's full repertoire of passion, knowledge, creativity, talent, and strengths.
  • Designing system innovation: The desire to create a learning (eco)system where innovation can come from anywhere.
  • Envisioning a joint outlook on the future: Wanting to create a clear and shared mission, vision, and strategic direction.
  • Sustainable HRM: Wanting to work toward a broader, more contextual approach of HRM that centers on the long-term needs of all relevant stakeholders.
  • Improving board dynamics: The desire of a board to improve own group dynamics in the service of quality decision-making.

These are fundamentally learning and development questions. By definition, they are relational-human complex and require collaborative inquiry and group learning from all involved.

My process expertise focuses on human relationships and relationship building, and involves creating the conditions for the learning process to occur as optimally as possible.

Facilitating what happens between people is what I do as a process facilitator. By framing, observing, sensing, ascertaining, inviting, asking questions, holding up a mirror, acknowledging, validating, naming or letting people notice, or waiting to give the learning process every chance.

I do this always deliberately and with respect, with the intention to improve the process towards vitality and developmental glow.

In this, I rely on countless encounters, my own work (see publications), and the work of others. I feel a great gratitude!

Beautiful words from others about me

  • Wouter Torfs, former CEO Schoenen Torfs and chairman of the CAW Groep:

    “I met Frank Lambrechts over 20 years ago as a competent and driven academic with a great heart for family businesses, but above all as a beautiful and authentic person. In our numerous contacts and collaborations, I experienced Frank as an expert in the family processes that are so typical of family businesses. He combines academic knowledge with the art of carefully facilitating a delicate process.”

  • Ruth Claes, General Director IN-Z:

    “Frank was as green as I was when I met him more than 20 years ago as a doctoral student. We, with IN-Z, were young and reckless, convinced of an ideal, determined to make a difference. We share that idealism and drive. It is no coincidence that our paths continue to cross. 20 years and some experience later, it is wonderful to see that the warm young doctoral student is still present in a lovely person and an excellent process facilitator. Convinced that innovation and breaking away from traditional processes are the engines of change and that culture and humanity take precedence in this. Here’s to the next 25 years. Curious to see what we will look back on then.”

  • dr. Linda Murphy, Lecturer in Management, Cork University Business School, University College Cork, Ireland:

    "I had the privilege of studying for my PhD under Frank's academic guidance and mentorship. His knowledge, openness and unique view of the world benefited both my PhD and my life and career to date. Frank has an amazing mind and his authenticity as an individual shines through in all his endeavours. A great mentor and friend, we had a lot of fun creating knowledge with practical implications for families in business and practitioners."

  • dr. Mira Bloemen-Bekx, Professor Regional Innovative Capacity, Hanze UAS, The Netherlands:

    "Frank was my PhD supervisor a few years ago, and I came to know him as a warm, approachable individual with extensive, actionable knowledge about relational change and governance dynamics. Both family and nonfamily businesses have greatly benefitted from his expertise, skills, and energizing vitality. In his work with organizations, he seamlessly combines academic rigor with practical relevance, enabling them to thrive. His courageous career choice to put his family first is a testament of commitment to personal well-being and professional growth."

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