Developmental glow (translation of "Ontwikkelgloed")
1: The glow and strength that people feel and radiate when truly learning and developing with the help of each other.
2: The process and result of an ever-growing engagement, openness, and warmth between people.
3: Associated with a sense of energy, vitality, and potential, necessary for creating more and new possibilities.
4: Only sustained if people continue to build trust and safety with each other.
My name is Frank Lambrechts. I am a former Professor (Hoogleraar) of Change Management & Family Business and a former Associate Dean at the Faculty of Business Economics, Hasselt University (Belgium). In August 2024, I chose to step down from my Professorship to prioritize my son and family, placing them at the center of my life.
Over the years, I have cultivated profound mastery in creating conditions for building positive relationships and healthy organizations through process consulting, humble inquiry, and Appreciative Inquiry. Continuing my longstanding commitment, I support individuals, groups, organizations and communities in their learning and development processes, based on my availability (see working together).
With over 20 years of experience, I specialize in:
- Process consulting, emphasizing the relational and group dynamics between people and what these dynamics limit or enable;
- Utilizing an appreciative approach to group and organization development, renewal, and leadership through Appreciative Inquiry;
- Designing and facilitating deepening, experiential learning programs for professionals on relational dynamics, helping, organizational change and leadership.
My work is driven by a profound passion for understanding and supporting vitality. Across various organizational contexts, I maintain deep respect and appreciation for the complexity and uniqueness of each social situation. My approach is always scientifically backed by academic research (see publications). Since 2018, I have been an Associate Editor at the international academic journal Journal of Family Business Strategy which publishes research that contributes new knowledge and understanding to the field of family business.
Basic studies:
- Master in Occupational and Organisational Psychology (KULeuven, Belgium, 2000).
- Certified process facilitator (Deepening year-long experiential learning programme Matrix on process consultation, UHasselt, Belgium, 2006).
- Doctor of Science in Social Sciences (Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 2007).
- Doctor of Science in Business Economics (UHasselt, Belgium, 2012).
- Doctor of Science in Economics and Business Administration (Jyväskylä University, Finland, 2012).